To be brutally honest, out of all 3 levels in our education system I don’t enjoy working with middle schoolers the most. The raging hormones, the attitudes (especially apathy), the intentional immaturity, and etc make me go crazy from just thinking about it all. I know many others who really do enjoy this age group, and I tip my hat to them. I’m learning everything the hard way. For example: How to implement all the ways of teaching my professors instructed me is extremely difficult with my classes due to the amount of structure I bring. I’d pay money to watch them teach my classes.
I don’t like making excuses, and I do try the best I can with what I’m given. I do have some really great students and classes still through the fog who want to participate and try. I’ve come a long way since 4 months, and I have no clue where I’ll be this summer or fall honestly. Thankfully, the other teachers and administration have been incredibly helpful and encouraging. Thankful for each new day. Thankful for the ones who I’m able to teach and enjoy life with while at school.
Thanks for stopping by and reading.