Why are having soccer balls a way to invest in the communities we encounter?
- Sports are an international language, and soccer/futbol is the most popular in this region. It’s my language since I have a P.E. background. Sports promote teamwork, communication, unity, discipline, and more.
Why don’t we just buy cheap soccer balls down there and save money?
- The balls we would buy are not top quality, and would realistically last only a few weeks.
What’s so great about the balls we want to purchase?
- The One World Futbol is nearly indestructible by keeping shape and air even after being stabbed, ran over, rained on, bitten, and more.
How is a donor connected with this by investing?
- Your contribution goes toward a tangible piece of equipment that will last for years. My co-leader and I are already funded to go to Nicaragua. We truly desire your help to have this idea to become a reality. We will share with you of each group to whom we decide to give the soccer balls.
We're fully supported for the 2 packages we were raising funds of these soccer balls! God is working through so many amazing people. I'm simply honored to share with you this news, and even more eager to see what God's going to do through us distributing the balls to kids and organizations!
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