Anywhere you’re able to observe kids playing, their energy seem to never cease. Seriously, do they ever get tired? I’m amazed by it, and absolutely loved it during my PE student teaching at an elementary school. Unfortunately some kids, depending on age group, don’t really try to put forth any effort of physical exertion in a game or race. Everyone can relate to whom they were while in their sports practice or PE class growing up. Were you the most athletic, in the medium range, or tried to use as many excuses to get out of activity as possible?
The brilliance of it was brought to my attention a few weeks ago as a 5 year old in one of my tennis lessons all of a sudden started running around the courts. I mean, she just ran...like Forrest Gump! We did some relays, balanced the ball on the racquets, and then I tried to get her back to practicing her strokes. There were 2 kids, so when it wasn’t the girl’s turn, she was off running in circles with her arms spread wide as if she was flying!
Where did we lose such innocence growing up? Kids this age hardly ever care what people are thinking about their actions. Rules and culture are forced down our throats, and we accept the “normal actions/ways” of acting “appropriately”. Sometimes, we simply need to tap into what I call that kid energy and just let loose! I guarantee it'll do you some good both mentally and physically.