The goal of the game is to simply capture the opposing team’s flag and bring it back to your base without getting caught. There are 2 equal sides in size for both teams. All players are wearing flag belts. There isn’t a time limit, and you can play it over and over again with several rounds. This game does involve a lot of moving around and running.
On the signal, each team can rush across the center line attempting to capture the other team’s flag. To be successful, a player has to carry the opponent’s flag back to his own side without getting his flag pulled. A player who at anytime is on the opposing team’s side and has his flag belt pulled must go to that team’s jail. A jailed player can be freed if a teammate makes it into the prison (without getting his flag pulled), takes the prisoner by the hand and walks him back across the center line.
The hula hoops represent “safety zones” where players can stop-off and not be tagged. Only one player can be in a safety circle at any given time.
Here’s a simple illustration of what a court/playing area would look like. I don’t allow players defending their flag stand in the area around where their flag is located.